Fly Fishing on the Falkland Islands
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Fly Fishing on Falkland Islands

The picturesque village of Port Howard is the gateway to the West. After a 90 minute ferry ride with the "Concordia“ from New Haven on East Falkland over the Falkland Sound you enter to Port Howard. There is always a lot of activity on arrival. Large trucks are loaded and unloaded. Children jump around, sheep bleat from the cattle trucks. Dolphins are looking for food in the churning mud, men stand by their SUVs and exchange the latest news. You can tell that the arrival of the „Concordia“ is a welcome change. Its like a small country fair. Furthermore FIGAS, the Falkland Islands Government Air Service with its twin-engine aircraft, lands in Port Howard and transports locals and tourists in and out.
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Port Howard and the Port Howard Lodge

Fishing permits can be obtained at Port Howard Lodge.
I felt immediately at home in Port Howard. There is something magical about this place, something very touching. If you walk or drive from the ferry along the bay with its clean shores full of mussel banks, the thousands of small fish that splash in the water, the many water birds, children playing around in the fresh air, framed by lush green meadows, trees and hills, the scattered, well-kept, white-washed buildings with their green roofs, you could imagine staying here forever – making you resident number 22. The imposing Port Howard Lodge is the central building of Port Howard. This house used to be that of the manager of the JL Waldron Ltd, who managed the huge estate of over 800km². All surrounding buildings also belonged to the manor. Today, all the buildings are privately owned. There is even a kindergarten and school as well as a small grocery store where the chat while shopping can end in a serious drinking feast. If you are fishing on West Falkland, you are well advised to stay at Port Howard Lodge. There is nothing comparable on all the Falkland Islands. In every corner, on all the walls and cupboards you can immerse yourself in the history of the Lodge and feel that you are welcome as an angler. And so all anglers meet and greet here full of expectations, using the lodge as the basis for an exciting fishing time on West Falkland. Here's a good image to give you an impression of the house’s character: If there was a house ghost, he would wear a Harris Tweed suit with a fly fishing vest, a felt hat with countless flies attached to it, a leather fishing bag on his shoulder and a net on his back, a pipe in his mouth, a split Hardy cane rod in one hand and a 22 pound sea trout in the other. From midnight he would hang out in the bar, sitting at the same table he has occupied for centuries.
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Star Chef, branch manager and hotelier.
The dainty Sue Lowe is the owner of the Port Howard Lodge, and she can tell stories of an eventful life. As a real Port Howard girl, she managed to advance from a fifteen-year-old employee to the current owner of the Lodge, which she manages excellently today. Cooking is her passion and you can taste it. And when she is not at the Lodge, she quickly and competently takes over the sales in the grocery store next door.
Air traffic controller, museum director and restaurant manager.
Sue always says that it was the best thing that ever happened to her when she met the Englishman Wayne Brewer. And you can believe it. The tall Wayne serves the guests at the lodge the menu created by Sue in an agile and gallant way with a cordial smile and tattooed arms. In between baked beans and fried egg he handles the FIGAS arrivals and gives the pilot the latest weather report from Port Howard on the phone. The "report" is nothing more complicated than visual assessment from the lodge window. We also owe him a substantial collection of Falklands War Militaria, which he has put together in a small museum. And he's a fly fisherman, of course! Sue and Wayne are not only all-rounders when it comes to the management around Port Howard Lodge, they also support their fishing guests with everything you need for a successful tour. Sue knows all the land owners of West Falkland and can easily aid you in getting a fishing permit. And of course for your fishing trip she will provide you with the best lunch package in all the Falklands. Wayne has already gone out with some international V.I.P. fly fishermen and has introduced them to one or the other beautiful sea trout. You can hire him as a guide or rent a car from him for the fishing trips – an invaluable advantage on West Falkland.
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Many Branch

There are several bays around Port Howard where you can fish. During our stay at Port Howard Lodge, Sue showed us a book that she received as a gift from a group of English anglers. They described their fishing successes in 2008: Five anglers in two weeks: 150+ sea trout - 7 fish over 10 pounds - 37 fish between 5 and 10 pounds - heaviest fish 14 pounds
Many of them caught at Many Branch. Naturally we had to check that out for ourselves…
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